Kansas City Kidney Consultants Logo

  • Dr. Sharma with Patient
  • Dr. Crouch with Patient
  • Dr. Wood with Patient
Patient Focused Services
Our staff possesses unparalleled
expertise and training in
general medicine, nephrology,
and hypertension.
Compassionate Care
And Professionalism
Our goal is to provide quality,
comprehensive and compassionate
care in a unique one on one basis
with respect, dignity and kindness.
Dialysis Care
We strive to see each
of our dialysis patients
weekly at one of our seven
dialysis locations.

Ahmed M. Awad, DO, FASN

Dr. Ahmed Awad is a Board-certified nephrologist and internal medicine specialist, practicing medicine for over 15 years.

Dr. Awad earned his osteopathic medicine degree in 1994 from the Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences. He went on to complete an internal medicine residency and nephrology fellowship at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine.

Following the completion of his doctoral studies, Dr. Awad joined Kansas City Kidney Consultants. He has a special interest in the epidemiologic and demographic reasons for the progression of kidney disease and its effect on the cardiac disease.

Outside of practicing medicine, Dr. Awad is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at UMKC, a private consulting nephrologist at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, the President of the National Kidney Foundation of Kansas and Western Missouri, and the Chair of the Early Intervention Program at the National Kidney Foundation. Dr. Awad has written guidelines for primary care physicians on early detection and diagnosis of kidney disease, which received the KIDOQI Seal of Approval. He was also appointed by the governor of Missouri to the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force in November, 2007.

He has also co-authored several medical publications and directed several clinical research trials.

In his free time, Dr. Awad likes to play soccer and ping-pong.

Mission Statement

Kansas City Kidney Consultants mission is to provide the best possible medical care for our patients with dignity, respect, kindness, and courtesy while building a practice that allows us to provide that care in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

Medical Plaza I, 4320 Wornall Road Suite #208, Kansas City, MO 64111, Tel: 816-531-0552

100 NE Missouri Road Suite #204, Lee's Summit MO 64086, Tel: 816-531-0552