Kansas City Kidney Consultants Logo

The following forms have been created to decrease your pre-appointment wait time while increasing our office efficiency. Please take the time to fill out these forms out in their entirety, allowing yourself ample time to complete them. Also, please be aware that your full name and date of birth as written on the first page are required as your digital signature on the final page.

The patient information provided may be shared with our clinical research partner, CRC.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!
Kansas City Kidney Consultants

Mission Statement

Kansas City Kidney Consultants mission is to provide the best possible medical care for our patients with dignity, respect, kindness, and courtesy while building a practice that allows us to provide that care in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

Medical Plaza I, 4320 Wornall Road Suite #208, Kansas City, MO 64111, Tel: 816-531-0552

100 NE Missouri Road Suite #204, Lee's Summit MO 64086, Tel: 816-531-0552