The Origins of Kansas City Kidney Consultants
In the early 1940s, Dr. Arnold Arms completed his training in medicine at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. When World War II started in 1942, Dr. Arms moved to Kansas City to join Dr. Peter Bohan, a prominent internist in medicine. Dr. Arms, due to health reasons, was not eligible to join the Armed Services. When the war ended, Dr. Arms moved into a new office to continue his practice of medicine alone.
Dr. Mark Dodge, a graduate of the Kansas University School of Medicine, served in the Navy until the war ended. He then retired from the Navy to accept a Fellowship in Medicine at the Mayo Clinic. After completion of his training, he left the Mayo Clinic to practice medicine with Dr. Arms in Kansas City. Two years later, Dr. Arthur Robinson, a graduate of the Kansas University School of Medicine and a close friend of Dr. Dodge, completed his training of medicine at the Mayo Clinic and then left to join Drs. Arms and Dodge. Thus, the Arms, Dodge, & Robinson Practice of Internal Medicine was founded.
Following the addition of Dr. Wilber (gastroenterology) and Dr. Thomas Crouch (nephrology), more providers joined the Arms, Dodge, & Robinson group, by then well-known in the Midwest, to become the Arms, Dodge, Robinson, Wilber, & Crouch group, or ADRWC. In 2012, as all the members of ADRWC practiced both nephrology and internal medicine, the group's name changed to Kansas City Kidney Consultants.
Mission Statement
Kansas City Kidney Consultants mission is to provide the best possible medical care for our patients with dignity, respect, kindness, and courtesy while building a practice that allows us to provide that care in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.
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